Episode 371: Tsunami Early Warning – Oct 7, 2015


Starting us off this hour, Jason Sewell from DevLeague is back to tell us about a DevLeague Uber Hackathon. Then we get an update on the Blue Startup Cohort 6. Finally, for the remainder of the hour, we’ll talk to Vern Miyagi from the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency and Gerard Fryer from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center about Hawaii’s tsunami early warning system.

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Jason Sewell, Vern Miyagi, Gerard Fryer, Ryan Ozawa

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Episode 325: Extreme Tsunami – Nov 19, 2014


Joining us today is David Atcheson from Transition Oahu to tell us about a cool mapping project and meetup. Then we have Matt Sullivan tell us about Start Hawaii. Finally, we’ve invited Gerard Fryer from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center and Mel Kaku Dept of Emergency Management to tell us about the new tsunami inundation maps and what they mean for disaster preparedness.

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